2025 Tour
Birmingham, AL
12:05 PM
Give Me Love
18 & Under • Company Line • Rockstar • Contemporary
Dance Et Cetera
Lauren Rothrock (17), Addison Flynn (16), Alex Woodman (14), Anna Claire Carpri (16), Audrey Walters (16), Avery Burdette (14), Avery Tucker (13), Campbell Festavan (16), Charlee Griffin (17), Elana Taylor (15), Ella Bradbury (16), Gracie Miller (15), Harper Tiffin (16), Harper Manley (13), Kaylee Currie (15), Kinsey Campbell (16), Lydia Baggett (18), Maddie White (13), Mary Grace Ratley (16), Mera Bradbury (13), Mollie Marshall (13), Rebecca Wentworth (17), Samantha Ripperdan (16)
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