2024 Tour
Birmingham, AL
11:20 AM
Disco Fever
18 & Under • Company Line • Rockstar • Production
Parker Dance Co / Carrollton Academy of Dance
Abbie Hodges (10), Abby Young (10), Addie Jiles (16), Alexa Brake (15), Alice Walston (7), Amelia Hodges (9), Ashton Hoffman (8), Brooklynn Hodges (13), Caitlin Pike (13), Cameron Echols (8), Carlee Grace Hicks (16), Charlie Register (7), Dailynn Hall (16), Ella Jane Register (12), Emily Schiffbauer (15), Emmalynn Morrison (11), Farrah Murray (14), Gabby Rine (16), Hazel Muse (9), Kai Abercrombie (16), Kathryn Hoffman (13), Lily Smith (9), Lily Brake (11), Mallory Booth (17), Marlee Dollar (12), Penelope Burton (5), Rilyn Hagan (8), Savannah Landry (7), Sophia Mielcarski (9), Sophie Mc Daniel (14), Sophie Burton (11), Sydney Bly (7), Taylor Holloway (10), Tyler Ou (17), Weston Jones (16)
4th Place - Vip
Rockstar Company Line
4th Place - High score
Rockstar Company Line 18 & Under
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