2024 Tour
Birmingham, AL
1:26 PM
Winnie The Pooh
10 & Under • Large Group • Rockstar • Ballet
Birmingham Dance Theatre
Addie Irwin (9), Addison Whitt (9), Alyssa Pate (8), Amelia Smith (8), Anna Clare Huddleston (9), Anne Carlyle Sasser (9), Anne Clark Jones (8), Caroline Thrasher (8), Charlotte Gault (8), Charlotte Jackson (9), Eleanor Hilson (8), Isabella Todd (10), Jocelyn Fisher (9), Kelsey Lawhorn (10), Layne Ayers (11), Lilah Mayfield (9), Maggie Holt (10), Milly Powell (8), Nora Houston (9), Nora Leigh Packard (9), Reese Hassinger (10), Sarah Katherine Schilling (10), Sophia Melton (8), Stella Sasser (10), Stella Jane Brandt (9), Sydney Toma (8)
4th Place - High score
Rockstar Large Group 10 & Under
1st Place - Dance division
Rockstar Large Group 10 & Under Ballet
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