2024 Tour
Birmingham, AL
11:36 AM
Blast From The Past
12 & Under • Company Line • Megastar • Production
Premier Dance & Twirl
Addyson Lyle (15), Alhanna Allen (17), Amelia Aldridge (7), Anna Hartwig (12), Ava Brown (12), Avalina Siebel (11), Bailey Baker (9), Brynna Raudenbush (13), Elodie Siebel (8), Emma Patlan (7), Hazel Blair (8), Hazel Fowler (10), Jordin Winbush (16), Lily Vindel (8), London Calloway (10), Lorelei Siebel (10), Marley Wilkes (16), Olive Arvin (10), Olivia Strong (5), Olivia Williford (15), Pyper Dennis (11), Scarlett Sarris (8)
9th Place - Vip
Megastar Company Line
5th Place - High score
Megastar Company Line 12 & Under
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