2024 Tour
Birmingham, AL
11:59 AM
12 & Under • Company Line • Megastar • Jazz
Alabama Dance Works
Abby Bolinger (15), Allie Johnson (8), Annalise Siemens (6), Annalyn Beard (11), Ava Scott (11), Ava Grace Rushing (12), Blakely Lawson (15), Blakelyn Grimes (9), Britton Watford (10), Camille Thompson (11), Carly Harris (8), Chloe Winters (13), Evelynn Dahlquist (9), Hadley Lawson (14), Ja Liyah Stephens (8), Ja'zyriah Oates (13), Jariah Faulk (10), Jezilyn Grace Fergus (8), Jordyn Mc Griff (17), Kaitlyn Shaw (12), Khloe Ann Balint (10), Kimber Tew (9), Madalyn Buchanan (14), Maggie Dempsey (11), Mary Gaines Carter (10), Mary Michael Hardy (11), Mia Williams (14), Nautica Knight (13), Rhylen Dawkins (7), Ryann Franklin (7), Sarah Tanton (17), Sophia Whittle (11), Taylor Hope Zirlott (17), Zoe Walton (7)
5th Place - Vip
Megastar Company Line
2nd Place - High score
Megastar Company Line 12 & Under
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