2024 Tour
Birmingham, AL
11:54 AM
12 & Under • Company Line • Megastar • Jazz
Progressive Academy of Dance
Alexis Whitman (9), Alice Oliver (9), Alyse Mccall (17), Avery Mccall (7), Charlotte Lavere (9), Chloe Wilson (12), Chloe Fannin (11), Cora Mendenhall (11), Danika Nickerson (13), Dolly Van Wagenen (8), Emalyn Schofield (10), Emerson Wallace (7), Flynn Boone (7), Gloria Ross (13), Graylee Sharp (9), Isabella Garcia (15), Josephine Damiani (6), Kennedi Grayson (9), Kylie Thompson (7), Lacey Van Wagenen (7), Leah Madkins (13), Lilly Brown (9), Luciana Buzzalino (8), Marlee Petrosky (6), Norah Harnden (9), Nyla Tate (8), Olivia Allen (9), Payton Minisee (14), Penelope May (15), Riley Pierce (12), Shiloh Edwards (7), Skylar Taylor (12), Sophia Hughes (11), Tamya Smith (8), Teresa Lin (7)
8th Place - Vip
Megastar Company Line
4th Place - High score
Megastar Company Line 12 & Under
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