2025 Tour
Voorhees, NJ
12:49 PM
Mambo #5
10 & Under • Large Group • Megastar • Jazz
ZZ Dance
Alexa Harley (7), Blair Brindisi (9), Brooke Paladino (8), Carson Boyce (8), Charlotte Mignot (9), Chloe Pollak (9), Cooper Genuino (8), Dalia Shapiro (8), Emily O'neill (9), Evelyn Sennett (9), Gianna Domingo (10), Grace Phan (8), Laurel Strocko (9), Max Pollak (8), Suhana Chowdhury (8), Vivian Nitschman (7)
5th Place - Vip
Megastar 12 & Under
3rd Place - High score
Megastar Large Group 10 & Under
2nd Place - Dance division
Megastar Large Group 10 & Under Jazz
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