2025 Tour
Voorhees, NJ
11:18 AM
18 & Under • Company Line • Rockstar • Production
Elite Dance Academy
Allie West (12), Ardyn Kowalski (16), Ava Mcgovern (13), Bella Liberato (10), Braydon Kramer (15), Brynn Sexton (9), Cameron Wittig (14), Caroline Heller (15), Charlotte Doyle (9), Elizabeth Rogozinski (11), Erica Schweidler (18), Erin Kahler (14), Evie Kanyok (12), Finola Rigney (14), Grace Walsh (16), Hailey Fitzgerald (8), Hannah Nowik (9), Isabella Caputo (11), Isabella Gordon (14), Julia Bohning (15), Karina Savchuk (17), Katelyn Campanelli (13), Katie Nowik (12), Kaylin Smoyer (12), Lauren Gavaghan (14), Lila Von Vital (12), Lindsey Maier (13), Liz Kanyok (17), Luna Orlando (15), Mackenzie Kennedy (16), Madeline Bradac (16), Maggie Dennis (14), Mia Richardson (9), Mia Di Mezzo (10), Nola Bershtein (14), Olivia Thompson (15), Pennie Berger (9), Rylie Sexton (16), Samantha Mc Govern (17), Samantha Rodriguez (15), Sienna Livolsi (12), Sofia Dilulio (13), Sophia Edelman (15), Sophia Augustine (12), Sophia D Amelio (12), Taylor Figus (17), Zara Sexton (16)
4th Place - Vip
Rockstar Company Line
4th Place - High score
Rockstar Company Line 18 & Under
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