2025 Tour
Cincinnati, OH
3:29 PM
Garden Of Eden
18 & Under • Company Line • Rockstar • Contemporary
Lexington Dance Factory
Addie Wolfe (17), Addison Sanger (17), Allison Burch (15), Amelia Story (14), Anna Grace Bennett (15), Bella Doyle (16), Chloe Mc Farland (17), Eliana Brancato (17), Ellie Trimble (17), Faith Koehler (18), Izzy Brannen (17), Jasie Brown (15), Karry Brumagen (17), Karson Sims (16), Kyndra Coomer (17), Lily Kate Hall (16), Madelyn Gambrel (16), Maya Johnston (17), Nicole Williams (16), Reese Blackerby (16), Sara Insko (17), Sylvie Roberts (17)
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