2025 Tour
Cincinnati, OH
3:17 PM
Hollywood Wiz
18 & Under • Company Line • Megastar • Jazz
Manyet Dance LLC
Abbagail Rubright (18), Adriana Hutsell (12), Alexis Johansing (13), Alexis Lubbers (8), Allie Kemplin (12), Antonio Hutsell (8), Aubrey Kramer (8), Ava Hamberg (12), Brynlee Hehn (8), Brynn Franzen (9), Caroline La Joye (12), Celia Werwick (11), Chandler Walsh (9), Charlotte Herschede (7), Chloe Muench (8), Chloe Schuck (14), Claire Rossiter (12), Cora Hall (10), Corrine Turner (14), Corryn Dunlevy (16), Eliana Gavarrete (11), Ella Cooney (15), Ella Hemmerle (15), Ella Cummins (6), Elliana Hutsell (11), Ellie Fuldner (8), Ellie Kemplin (10), Georgia Jean (6), Hannah Reed (13), Jaelyn Wright (16), Kaylen Rossiter (15), Kayliana Hutsell (10), Kennedy Stith (11), Kimber Daley (6), Kimber Scott (9), Kylie Volpenhein (12), Lea Nelson (13), Leityn Works (12), Lilah Zerhusen (10), Lydia Fuldner (10), Maci Conley (17), Macy Hemmerle (9), Madeline Besse (16), Madison Sword (16), Marcus Huddle (11), Mary Harris (13), Mc Kinley Franzen (11), Meara Haubner (7), Molly Muench (12), Morgan Kloeker (17), Myla Enzweiler (9), Olivia Fogelman (17), Olivia Buller (9), Paige Steffen (10), Poppy Hutchens (8), Raeliana Hutsell (15), Reagan Sword (14), Remi Good (6), Rowan Fry (16), Scarlett Allen (7), Skylur Kerl (13), Sofia Allen (9), Sophie Stenger (14), Tabitha Tobergte (18), Layla Jolly (10)
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