2025 Tour
Cincinnati, OH
3:23 PM
18 & Under • Company Line • Megastar • Open
Studio Dee
Addison Gribble (9), Addison Allen (13), Amelia Engel (11), Annabella Moore (9), Bella Jo Phipps (9), Brooklyn Baker (16), Brooklyn Adams (12), Camilla Tranter (14), Campbell Pearce (14), Charlotte Staton (12), Elliana Yosmali (9), Emilie Bowman (14), Emma Kluthe (10), Emma Nicolaou (8), Harper Engel (13), Kaitlyn West (15), Kayleigh Mc Neely (12), Larsyn Early (18), Lauren Reeves (14), Lily Erion (9), Lucy Deters (11), Madison Mineer (12), Maislyn Ficke (8), Marlie Drake (14), Mila Dixon (8), Mylah Daniels (12), Olivia Feldman (9), Paige Krall (13), Paige Isaacs (13), Raven Keeney (10), Rosalind Prindle (9), Sidney Sheridan (14), Tessa Sebree (12), Vivian Decker (13)
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