2025 Tour
Cincinnati, OH
3:05 PM
Backstage Romance
18 & Under • Company Line • Rockstar • Production
Fine Line Dance Center
Aaliyah Hammad (11), Aashi Jain (17), Abrey Miller (16), Ari Iannettoni (14), Brooke Goeglein (15), Carlie Carrigan (15), Carly Kenefic (16), Caroline Clabaugh (15), Charli Williams (15), Chloe Campbell (12), Chloe Ferrendelli (12), Claire Gerardot (13), Clara Blundall (13), Elie Bilodeau (17), Ella Johnson (17), Ella Thaut (16), Ellie Skelton (13), Elsie Schwartz (13), Emma Rinehart (16), Emmerson Kilbourne (14), Eve Funk (11), Evy Heck (14), Greta Baltes (12), Kaylin Snodgrass (18), Kenley Shugart (16), Kili Nelson (13), Kinzie Bay (17), Leah Ambrose (15), Lexi Bilodeau (15), Lexi Iannettoni (11), Liliana Mock (12), Lilliana Flyte (14), Lily Schwartz (18), Mackenzie Zumstein (13), Macy Gorczyca (15), Madyn Miller (13), Makenzy Floyd (16), Maya Lamm (10), Meredith Johnson (14), Morgan Elonzae (16), Navy Allosso (10), Rylin Butler (14), Sophie Kleber (16), Taryn Crady (15), Tenley Burris (11), Tessa Mroczowski (15)
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