2025 Tour
Cincinnati, OH
4:10 PM
Brand New Day
12 & Under • Company Line • Megastar • Production
Boyd Dance Studios
Addison Beck (10), Alexis Mc Collum (9), Amelia Klosterman (10), Aubrey Elking (8), Brooklyn Homan (14), Caleigh Holthaus (11), Cameron Baucher (6), Charley Kremer (10), Charlotte Moeller (11), Chase Baucher (8), Chloe Bergman (16), Davis Peel (7), Elizabeth Paul (14), Evelyn Ranly (11), Franky Jellison (13), Holly Steinbrunner (12), Janessa Smuts (14), Jayda Watson (11), Lucy Klosterman (7), Madilyn Kunk (11), Makenzie Moeller (13), Marilyn Sommer (7), Natalie Steinbrunner (10), Nora Bergman (12), Parker Fry (9), Piper Hyde (12), Rylee Barhorst (16), Sophie Steinbrenner (15), Sophie Elking (9), Stella Schmiesing (11), Walker Knapke (7)
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