2025 Tour
Tampa, FL
11:19 AM
18 & Under • Company Line • Rockstar • Musical Theatre
K&D South Company
Addison Mickler (17), Amara Shah (13), Aurora Franco (13), Bella Villa (18), Brianna Graber (10), Brielle Borden (10), Caroline Castellvi (13), Cassiady Forte (17), Charlotte Mitchell (11), Charlotte Leung (10), Chela Levy (18), Demi Rodriguez (11), Eliana Hatel (18), Ella Kudzinski (16), Emerson Barger (11), Gianna Joseph (18), Hayden Rux (9), Jaya Thekkumkattil (9), Jocelyn Salud (13), Katie Reilly (17), Laila Weckback (13), Layla Harvie (10), Livia Doyle (12), Londyn Andrews (16), Luisa Boyle (17), Madison Thomas (10), Mallory Bishko (13), Mary Pope (15), Mc Laine Waygood (11), Natalina Benvenuti (9), Nola Harsanje (9), Payton Hodz (11), Peyton Hussey (16), Riley Appelton (16), Rose Hinsdale (16), Shaelyn Ryan (12), Sofia Scott (18), Sophia Selitti (14), Tessa Cockrell (14), Zyla Floyd (15)
6th Place - Vip
Rockstar Company Line
6th Place - High score
Rockstar Company Line 18 & Under
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