2025 Tour
Tampa, FL
10:43 AM
18 & Under • Company Line • Rockstar • Contemporary
Angelic Academy of Dance
Abigail Daniels (16), Abigail Evans (14), Addison Beaugez (14), Alyssa Da Silva (15), Amelia Delate (15), Audrey Messina (16), Ava Brazelton (18), Basia Howery (14), Carabelle Gaffney (15), Chayse Goldsmith (15), Felicity Surber (14), Grace Christianson (16), Hallie Breusch (16), Hannah Irkhin (17), Jiya Naik (17), Julia Papenfuss (14), Kaiya Shelly (15), Katarina Valverde (14), Kelly O'dea (16), Leona Dimitrova (14), Maya Mendez (15), Mia Nowlin (16), Miley Brown (17), Riley Wilson (16), Sarah Evans (15), Savannah Ouverson (17), Selena Zalunardo (13), Stephanie Greul (17), Sydney Tanner (14), Tess Beckman (15), Vanessa Tatak (16), Sophia Holbrook (17)
5th Place - Vip
Rockstar Company Line
5th Place - High score
Rockstar Company Line 18 & Under
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