2025 Tour
Tampa, FL
1:44 PM
Nicest Kids In Town
12 & Under • Large Group • Megastar • Jazz
Angelic Academy of Dance
Bristol Cassin (12), Keira Yonaley (10), Zoe Yue (9), Adalee Cassin (13), Amelia Ringer (12), Brooklyn Watson (9), Colton Adams (12), Ellie Barbier (12), Khloee Jackson (12), Laura De Oliveira (11), Lila Brown (10), Madelyn Nowlin (11), Maria Guzman (9), Melaku Barbier (11), Melody Iturraldes (7), Naomi Norvell (10), Penelope Hickman (10), Savannah Messina (12)
1st Place - High score
Megastar Large Group 12 & Under
1st Place - Dance division
Megastar Large Group 12 & Under Jazz
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