2025 Tour
Mobile, AL
11:56 AM
Mamma Mia
12 & Under • Company Line • Megastar • Production
Studio E
Addison Cunningham (15), Adlea Rae Daniels (14), Alyssa Bly (18), Amelia Sheets (7), Anna Kelly (16), Anna Ladner (10), Anna Grace Warren (13), Annabelle Quintini (6), Ansleigh Ladner (11), Ashlyn Johnson (16), Ava Grace Leblanc (10), Avery Wescovich (10), Bailey Flowers (12), Bryleigh Farve (12), Brynn Hudson (10), Charlie Harris (9), Chloe Dollar (12), Destryn Crowe (7), Edie Williams (9), Elleigh Mae Crowe (5), Emmie Le Blanc (8), Evie Davis (6), Florie Ann Coote (5), Genevieve Schmitt (10), Gianna Bauer (10), Gracie Moore (18), Isabella Francoisa (12), Isla Caudill (4), Jon Violet Flickinger (9), Juleigh Necaise (6), Katie Rae Bloom (13), Kenli Mae Boyd (7), Kennedy Flynn (11), Kinzlee Westbrook (8), Kourtland Desporte (16), Krislynn Brailsford (7), Leila Gray Rishel (9), Liliana Dubois (11), Madelyn Bryan (11), Madison Williams (10), Maggie Carver (11), Mallory Peters (17), Mary James Puckett (8), Mika Guaigua (13), Molly Kiffe (14), Nikki Ladner (11), Olivia Brown (7), Paisley Ledet (9), Peyton Self (10), Presley Flynn (16), Sadie Epperson (6), Sage Simmons (11), Shelby Benson (17), Sloan Fowler (8), Sophia Ward (16), Tallulah Wilson (13)
3rd Place - Vip
Megastar Company Line
1st Place - High score
Megastar Company Line 12 & Under
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