2025 Tour
Mobile, AL
2:01 PM
10 & Under • Large Group • Rockstar • Contemporary
The Dance Company
Millie Cade (9), Anna O'briant (11), Annora Nail (8), Annslee Bird (12), Eleanor Higgins (10), Ella Burden (9), Emerson Moore (9), Harlee Pierce (9), Jessa Crosby (11), Journey Cummins (8), Kennedi Barron (10), Presley Duncan (8), Swayze Carpenter (9), Thea Higgins (7)
2nd Place - Vip
Rockstar 12 & Under
1st Place - High score
Rockstar Large Group 10 & Under
1st Place - Dance division
Rockstar Large Group 10 & Under Contemporary
Future Star
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