2025 Tour
Mobile, AL
1:15 PM
Build Me Up Buttercup
10 & Under • Large Group • Hotshot • Tap
Creative Dance Center
Annalise Norwood (11), Anne Rayford (9), Emily Seawell (9), Evelyn Reeder (10), Grace Oswalt (10), Kit Sledge (10), Lauren Wynn (10), Libby Nichols (10), Mae Stabler (9), Margaret Mattei (8), Mary Nell Lewis (9), Matti David (10), Meryl Rodning (10), Sadie Reid (11), Sophia Rose (10), Virginia Reyner (10), Vivian Meek (9), Liza Hieronymus (9), Nell Thompson (8), Selby Brand (8)
1st Place - High score
Hotshot Large Group 10 & Under
1st Place - Dance division
Hotshot Large Group 10 & Under Tap
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