2024 Tour
Little Rock, AR
4:41 PM
12 & Under • Company Line • Rockstar • Production
Arkansas Dance Center
Abby Grayson (12), Abrielle Robison (14), Adyson Lau (14), Alyx Gartrell (8), Anna Cate Atkinson (11), Ava Vaughn (10), Berkley Brown (10), Brynnlee Whitley (10), Burke Stringer (14), Cali Culpepper (16), Cara Teague (8), Carter Roach (12), Edyn Course (11), Emma Curry (13), Harper Arnold (10), Kaylee Hampton (10), Kinsley Faye Davis (11), Lainey Finley (8), Lakin Knight (13), Lilah Lane (8), Lily Vaughn (13), Mabry Mc Master (9), Quincy Burton (13), Schally Meyer (9), Shelby Lane (9), Sloane Carlisle (9), Sophia Inmon (13), Tate Stringer (12), Taylor Bell (15), Vivi Finley (8)
4th Place - Vip
Rockstar Company Line
1st Place - High score
Rockstar Company Line 12 & Under
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