2024 Tour
Boardman, OH
1:35 PM
Jump Shout Boogie
10 & Under • Large Group • Hotshot • Jazz
Thomas Dance Studio
Aubrey Romano (9), Aven Kime (9), Capri Matusic (10), Eliana Cogsdell (9), Emma Smith (8), Emmett Beerhalter (9), Fernanda Grajeda (9), Kendall Rossero (10), Kinsley Freedman (10), Lila Molinaro (10), Lyla Burlando (10), Madilyn Lang (10), Maeve Cellone (10), Maia Drake (9), Morgan Fleet (9), Norah Glynn (10)
1st Place - High score
Hotshot Large Group 10 & Under
1st Place - Dance division
Hotshot Large Group 10 & Under Jazz
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