2024 Tour
Boardman, OH
10:53 AM
18 & Under • Company Line • Rockstar • Hip-Hop
On Your Toes Dance Studio
Adalyn Bailey (13), Adelynn Bach (13), Ali Dixon (15), Analise Alers (14), Ashley Mattlin (16), Ava Oyer (17), Brooke Robinson (15), Chloe Swerbinsky (15), Eliana Soric (10), Hailey Furman (14), Hannah Miller (16), Isa Alers (16), Jessica Barth (11), Julianna Huth (17), Katelynn Bach (13), Madeline Warrell (15), Madelyn Gillen (11), Madison Alli (12), Madison Hale (12), Mariella Muravin (15), Niles Linson (11), Sophie Nana (11), Sylvia Meyer (10), Zoey Tomblin (15)
8th Place - Vip
Rockstar Company Line
8th Place - High score
Rockstar Company Line 18 & Under
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