2024 Tour
Dearborn, MI
1:18 PM
The Mad Scientist
10 & Under • Large Group • Rockstar • Specialty
Mosaic Dance Center
Alexis Gest (9), Chloe Vandenberg (8), Emily Macnowski (10), Estelle Day (8), Evie Spaans (10), Greenleigh Blankenship (7), Harper Johnson (8), Josephine George (8), Leigha Layer (9), Lucia Zerilli (7), Morgan Cole (9), Nola Scott (10), Nora Sellers (7), Paisleah Cogswell Haas (9), Pyper Eichorn (11), Rebekah Pelikan (10), Scarlett Bareither (10)
6th Place - Vip
Rockstar 12 & Under
1st Place - High score
Rockstar Large Group 10 & Under
1st Place - Dance division
Rockstar Large Group 10 & Under Specialty
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