2022 Tour
Dayton, OH
1:09 PM
Teen • Super Group • Hollywood • Hip-Hop
Encore Performing Arts EDA
Addison Hernandez (13), Addison Mounce (13), Adisyn Mcswain (12), Alexa Jensen (14), Ashley Temnick (14), Audrey Bramblett (18), Brianna Rosato (16), Brooke Herrington (14), Cara Brensike (16), Clare Scott (17), Eliza Mccarthy (14), Ellison Alexander (18), Emily Moore (17), Hailey Pence (14), Isabella Mcswain (14), Jackie Griggs (14), Jayla South (16), Kaylee Carmack (16), Charlie Weigel (16), Kiera Thomas (15), Mackenzie Minnix (13), Mattie Eggebrecht (13), Molly Barach (18), Raegan Sykes (14), Rebekah Ehlers (17), Remi Hummer (14), Samantha Finley (15), Sarah Wolf (12), Taylore Reilman (18)
4th Place - High score
Hollywood Super Group Teen
1st Place - Dance division
Hollywood Super Group Teen Hip-Hop
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