2022 Tour
Chicago, IL (I)
2:35 PM
The Academy of Dance Arts
Julia Albert (17), Elin Amundson (15), Margo Anderson (13), Elizabeth Angert (12), Anna Barwick (12), Kira Bloomfield (16), Courtney Cardamone (16), Gianna Cardamone (16), Lauren Carrigan (11), Valerie Chan (14), Ella Cottman (14), Sydney Dieter (12), Amelia Duda (10), Ellie Duda (12), Delaney Ewald (11), Mia Giselle Ferak (13), Giuliana Fishella (15), Lily Freebery (17), Micaella Gennett (16), Jocelyn Ghia (12), Shane Gould (14), Bella Guastaferri (17), Hannah Hsu (12), Kayla Kamilis (18), Emma Kennedy (11), Grace Kiley (12), Elizabeth Lane (15), Isabella Laucys (16), Stella Laucys (10), Abigail Lopez (18), Nevi Marinakos (15), Ava Melie (11), Tess Meulbroek (16), Shannon Moran (18), Abigail Najera (11), Amisha Narahari (11), Dylan Newman (16), Nina Norten (13), Kathryn O'brochta (11), Ryan Paskiewicz (15), Noelle Pekny (17), Sophia Rejkowski (13), Claire Roach (18), Arielle Rowaiye (13), Taylor Sawatzky (17), Isabella Skaliotis (14), Ashley Snyder (14), Joshua Tricroce (14), Taylor Tricroce (17), Katie Walter (11), Artie Welsh (14), Sammi Wolk (12), Sophie Yob (13), Soraya Zaheer (12), Charlotte Zator (12), Olivia Zator (17)
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