2022 Tour
Chicago, IL (I)
1:00 PM
Junior • Super Group • Hollywood • Jazz
The Academy of Dance Arts
Anna Barwick (12), Lauren Carrigan (11), Amelia Duda (10), Ellie Duda (12), Delaney Ewald (11), Jocelyn Ghia (12), Hannah Hsu (12), Emma Kennedy (11), Grace Kiley (12), Stella Laucys (10), Ava Melie (11), Abigail Najera (11), Amisha Narahari (11), Kathryn O'brochta (11), Katie Walter (11), Sophie Yob (13), Charlotte Zator (12), Soraya Zaheer (12)
Up in the VIP
3rd Place - Vip
Hollywood Mini/Junior
1st Place - High score
Hollywood Super Group Junior
1st Place - Dance division
Hollywood Super Group Junior Jazz
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