2022 Tour
Chicago, IL (I)
2:56 PM
Senior • Super Group • Hollywood • Contemporary
The Academy of Dance Arts
Julia Albert (17), Kira Bloomfield (16), Lily Freebery (17), Micaella Gennett (16), Bella Guastaferri (17), Nevi Marinakos (15), Tess Meulbroek (16), Shannon Moran (18), Dylan Newman (16), Noelle Pekny (17), Taylor Sawatzky (17), Taylor Tricroce (17), Olivia Zator (17), Abigail Lopez (18), Kayla Kamilis (18), Elin Amundson (15)
Up in the VIP
1st Place - Vip
Hollywood Teen/Senior
1st Place - High score
Hollywood Super Group Senior
1st Place - Dance division
Hollywood Super Group Senior Contemporary
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