2022 Tour
Jacksonville, FL
10:24 AM
Don't Hurt Yourself
Crystals World of Dance
A'mariah Taylor (11), Gabryella Gutrie (14), Jahara Leslie (8), Jasmin Lockhart (17), Kaeleigh Wilson (11), M'kayla Mccoy (14), Marjani Brown (10), Miracle Lanier (16), Rylea Buford (7), Rylie Jackson (8), T'mia Wade (8), Tatiana Tedford (13), Vanessa Brown (14), Trinitee' Strafford (13), Jerica Jones (7), Alianette Ortiz (9), Alivia Washington (11), Ashaelee Mcall (15), Danielle Rose (8), Stormie Preston (14), Kyria Mcallister (13), Iyana Lowery (11), Farrah Bernard (9), Zahira Bragg (10)
5th Place - Vip
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