2022 Tour
Jacksonville, FL
1:05 PM
Teen • Super Group • Hollywood • Open
Mia Bella Academy Of Dance
Leila Abdusattarov (12), Abby Akam (16), Bradleigh Crow (16), Ashley Fernandez (17), Amber Garro (14), Emily Garro (18), Giuliana Giannini (12), Natalie Grimm (16), Indya Kelly (16), Gianna Little (17), Skye Metzger (15), Alexis Musikar (19), Sophia Papadakos (17), Maren Ronk (13), Gianna Seifert (14), Bronwyn Taylor (17), Mariella Trotta (15), J.r. Valenti (15), Gracie Vanpetten (13), Gabriella Vanvalkenburg (13), Giulia Vanvalkenburg (15)
2nd Place - High score
Hollywood Super Group Teen
1st Place - Dance division
Hollywood Super Group Teen Open
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