2022 Tour
Jacksonville, FL
2:35 PM
Get Me Bodied
Junior • Super Group • Hollywood • Hip-Hop
Mia Bella Academy Of Dance
Leila Abdusattarov (12), Payton Blackburn (13), Kennedy Callahan (11), Olivia Diguglielmo (12), Devyn Duchak (11), Lily Emden (11), Marianna Freeman (11), Caroline Freeman (14), Giuliana Giannini (12), Alyssa Gomon (13), Meghan Jensen (13), Rylee Macdonald (11), Serenity Maynard (13), Lilly Pacarro (12), Madeline Rezendes (13), Maren Ronk (13), Alexis Rumnock (12), Gracie Vanpetten (13), Gabriella Vanvalkenburg (13), Sean Balseiro (13), Isabella Casanova (10)
7th Place - Vip
Hollywood Mini/Junior
2nd Place - High score
Hollywood Super Group Junior
1st Place - Dance division
Hollywood Super Group Junior Hip-Hop
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