2022 Tour
Boardman, OH
9:33 AM
Star-Styled Dance Center
Hannah Baughman (15), Kayla Bittel (15), Ava Campagna (16), Giana Campagna (13), Paige Dunlap (18), Jocelyn Esswein (17), Alexia Gallagher (12), Shaylee Garner (12), Heather Kohler (16), Tessa Markham (18), Claire Mccafferty (17), Emily Merola (15), Julia Miller (13), Vanessa Moats (18), Addi Morris (15), Annabelle Neuschwander (17), Annabelle Obyc (13), Sabrina Paules (16), Ella Price (16), Lily Zavidny (17)
5th Place - Vip
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