2022 Tour
Boardman, OH
11:34 AM
It's Science
Mini • Super Group • Hollywood • Open
Ultimate Dance Complex
Whitney Beck (10), Samantha Botkin (6), Lily Celaschi (10), Avery Chropka (7), Reese Chropka (10), Mae Connolly (9), Harper Cosey (8), Charleigh Fedzen (7), Mia Fedzen (9), Maggie Halpin (6), Aria Kawalkin (8), Kenzie Kawalkin (6), Abagale Kubina (8), Talia Matuszewski (8), Brooklynn Parker (8), Kaylin Read (8), Laila Read (6), Daniella Robison (8), Hailey Rogowicz (9), Aubrey Spearman (9), Macy Tate (10), Maristela Tray (9), Tessa Yost (10), Jacqueline Zuhl (6)
6th Place - Vip
Hollywood Mini/Junior
1st Place - High score
Hollywood Super Group Mini
1st Place - Dance division
Hollywood Super Group Mini Open
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