2022 Tour
Boardman, OH
6:23 PM
Welcome To The Jungle
Senior • Super Group • Hollywood • Jazz
J & J's Dance Depot
Sophia Anness (16), Grace Benner (16), Julia Fullerman (16), Catie Herberger (17), Lily Hofmann (15), Natalie Horvath (18), Mckenna Jamieson (17), Abbey Johns (17), Emily Mcnicol (17), Brooke Meyer (17), Lexie Napolitan (17), Ava Pantone (17), Julianna Record (16), Anthony Rentz (18), Aubree Vaughn (15), Mckenna Wright (16), Kylie Yobe (16)
7th Place - Vip
Hollywood Teen/Senior
1st Place - High score
Hollywood Super Group Senior
1st Place - Dance division
Hollywood Super Group Senior Jazz
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